Tag Archives: bassets

How to keep cool

17 Jul

This is more or less what I’ve been doing today – except with the addition of typing away at a laptop.

Keep cool, everyone!

Happy 4th of July

4 Jul

I may be an expat living in the UK, but that doesn’t mean I don’t celebrate the 4th of July… although it’s usually on the closest Saturday, and generally with less in the way of fireworks and flags, and more with a plate full of burger, potato salad and corn on the cob. (I’m feeling hungry now).

Anyway, here are some patriotic dogs who know how to enjoy Independence Day. 🙂

4th of July dogs

Found on Lead your Dog

Baywatch dogs

14 Mar

I’m assuming we’ve all seen the beginning of Baywatch – those impractical red bathing suits attempting to contain the …assets… of a well-proportioned lifeguard as she runs in slow-motion on the sand or dives off a moving boat into the surf.

(Hate to break it to you, but I’ve been to Santa Monica. The lifeguards looked nothing like Pamela Anderson or Carmen Electra.)

Anyway, what I’m trying to get to is this: not everything looks good when it runs in slow motion on the beach. Basset hounds are a perfect example.

Found at VH1; photographer unknown

Found at VH1; photographer unknown

Sing along: Some people sta-and in the darkness – afraid to step into-oo the light.

(I’m the only one singing right now, aren’t I? *sigh*)

Ooookay. So, also, this:

Basset puppy

22 Jan

Just a quick one today, since there were ponies in jumpers earlier.


From PuppyToob; original source unknown